Preparatory Solutions

Preparatory Solutions

Preparatory Solutions

Preparatory Solutions


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions is a unique online tool to help students to prepare and correctly evaluate themselves about their preparedness level and get exam ready for their upcoming exams. This is one of the best online evaluation system to prepare for any exams, be it school exams, entrance exams or competitive exams, our system is always there to help you evaluate your preparedness for that exam among fellow students.


Back in the past, we have observed that students are unsure about their preparation level, be it for their board exams or any competitive/entrance exams. They are not aware of the preparation levels of fellow students from other schools or geographical areas. So, in spite of their hard work, they did not accomplish the desired results they are expecting because they didn’t have the insights of other students’ preparedness and where they need to improve among other fellow students. In addressing this gap, engaging a service like ghostwriter can be instrumental. This helper can assist in academic writing, providing tailored support that enhances a student’s understanding and output, much like gaining insight into the preparation levels of peers, which can guide improvements in their own work.



In order to overcome the above insecurity, we have introduced this revolutionary product called “Online Preparatory Solutions“, which helps the students to evaluate themselves, where they stand against fellow students among lakhs/thousands of similar students appearing for that exam. They can evaluate their standing among fellow students in every chapter/topic. With our dynamic ranking system, they can have a clear insight about their preparation levels at all times and see for themselves whether they are progressing or falling back among their competitors. Our short duration tests can be accessed anytime without interfering in their normal day to day schedules. They can find the correct answers and solutions for all their wrong answers instantly.


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions is currently available in English, Hindi and Bengali. We are one of the pioneers in bringing to you all these facilities in Bengali for the students who studies in Bengali medium and wants to write their exams in Bengali. At present, these kind of preparatory solutions or tests are available only in English, Hindi and in one or two regional languages.

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Key Features

Key Features


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions can be accessed anytime from anywhere in the world. Whether you are travelling to somewhere, in a vacation or just anywhere. Our App friendly design can be accessed from any desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone as long as you have a steady internet connection. Since all our tests are of short time duration, you can do it in a short time and assess yourself.


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions provides unlimited practice tests with new questions every 24 hours. We firmly believe that “Practice makes one perfect“. All our tests comes with hints and solutions in answers where needed. All our tests are further divided into chapter / topic wise to enable you to identify your strengths and weakness accordingly and a full test set for a feel of real time assessment.


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions comes with an unique dynamic ranking system, that means, the moment someone scores a higher number than you, you are automatically relegated from your current ranking. This provides a student to not only understand their standing among fellow students but also evaluate themselves and find out their current preparation level among their competitors.


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions comes with a revolutionary review system where all your previous tests can be accessed and reviewed up to 90 days. This feature helps a student to assess their progress though out their duration of preparation and rectify accordingly. Also, this feature helps a student to check whether they are making the same type of mistakes again & again and overcome their weakness. 


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions comes with engaging animated video lessons (in English)for Schools. We strongly believe that studying should not be boring. So, we introduced some very interesting and engaging concept clearing short animated video lessons to clear all your concepts and doubts. It is well known and widely believed that you tend to remember more when you actually visualise a concept rather than read and memorise it.


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions provides an easy way to clear your doubts / questions any time 24 x 7. All our preparatory solutions comes with a doubt clearance zone / forum, where you can ask your doubts and other questions. Our team of expert and experienced pool of teachers will clear your doubts or any other questions within 24 hours. You can also search for other students doubts / problems / questions faced by them and learn from it.


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions are based on the prescribed syllabus for that particular examination. We are well aware of the constant syllabus changes and always keep track of it to upgrade our system. Further, all our preparatory solutions are divided into chapters / topics for easy preparation.


PrepNet‘s Online Preparatory Solutions comes with built in print out facility. All your previous tests can be easily printed out for ready reference for future, offline and further analysis. This feature helps out when you are analysing to check for your weakness and analyse it or consult with somebody else like teacher, mentor, etc. and strengthen it further.

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